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☸️Deploying on Kubernetes

Self-hosting DocsGPT on Kubernetes

This guide will walk you through deploying DocsGPT on Kubernetes.


Ensure you have the following installed before proceeding:

Folder Structure

The k8s folder contains the necessary deployment and service configuration files:

  • deployments/
  • services/
  • docsgpt-secrets.yaml

Deployment Instructions

  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone https://github.com/arc53/DocsGPT.git
    cd docsgpt/k8s
  2. Configure Secrets (optional)

    Ensure that you have all the necessary secrets in docsgpt-secrets.yaml. Update it with your secrets before applying if you want. By default we will use qdrant as a vectorstore and public docsgpt llm as llm for inference.

  3. Apply Kubernetes Deployments

    Deploy your DocsGPT resources using the following commands:

    kubectl apply -f deployments/
  4. Apply Kubernetes Services

    Set up your services using the following commands:

    kubectl apply -f services/
  5. Apply Secrets

    Apply the secret configurations:

    kubectl apply -f docsgpt-secrets.yaml
  6. Substitute API URL

    After deploying the services, you need to update the environment variable VITE_API_HOST in your deployment file deployments/docsgpt-deploy.yaml with the actual endpoint URL created by your docsgpt-api-service.

    kubectl get services/docsgpt-api-service -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}' | xargs -I {} sed -i "s|<your-api-endpoint>|{}|g" deployments/docsgpt-deploy.yaml
  7. Rerun Deployment

    After making the changes, reapply the deployment configuration to update the environment variables:

    kubectl apply -f deployments/

Verifying the Deployment

To verify if everything is set up correctly, you can run the following:

kubectl get pods
kubectl get services

Ensure that the pods are running and the services are available.

Accessing DocsGPT

To access DocsGPT, you need to find the external IP address of the frontend service. You can do this by running:

kubectl get services/docsgpt-frontend-service | awk 'NR>1 {print "http://" $4}'


If you encounter any issues, you can check the logs of the pods for more details:

kubectl logs <pod-name>

Replace <pod-name> with the actual name of your DocsGPT pod.

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